Randoms from my notes:
- Do you have to wake up at a certain time? Night, Fran...
- Sometimes I doubt...it all can be refuted without belief...so then how about this:
- really, everything that can be thought of, IS, by mere virtue of being able to have the thought...so then, if I/(we?) have the capacity to understand multiple lives and my soul and other peoples' souls, then it is.
- Need to expand on this type of thinking...debate with myself i.e. is there ANYthing that I can possible think of that isn't? If I can think of it, then it can be, even though it may not be yet, it could be if someone were to make it so...like a unicorn can't be made so, but an alien eating a peanut butter sandwich, more likely. How can we think of things that aren't then...that's probably what I want to think about more and see where it leads to on another day. But maybe this sort of thinking is more applicable in the esoteric as opposed to the finite or tangible. idk...
- really, everything that can be thought of, IS, by mere virtue of being able to have the thought...so then, if I/(we?) have the capacity to understand multiple lives and my soul and other peoples' souls, then it is.
- How well can you let go of what's not meant for you? Why manipulate a situation to force a confrontation or outcome?
- Myles wrote a facebook post: "'You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.' James 4"
- And to this I wrote but never posted (while driving so not thought out): Not to be oppositional (and I realize this verse may be out of context), but I'll take my chances, if being a friend of the world might by any chance show God's love and light to those who don't know it, I'll take my chances! Although we all have different gifts and callings so perhaps it's best some protect themselves from the world until they know better.
- This is a whole thing I would like to expand on, and it makes me wish I had gone to college or any kind of schooling to learn more about history and theology (of all religions). I almost would want to take the whole Bible, and one day all religious doctrines, and give a better interpretation. Better yet, meet with world religious leaders and chat with them...maybe I can give them understanding of how they're all so wrong...and yet all so right. That they all are correct because they've all extracted parts of the whole...but as they are, their philosophies and doctrines are all incomplete without the other religions' pieces to make up the whole. So in trying to find and complete their beliefs, they stretched too far and added to it from all that is not of God but of man...so silly, but so understandable. In trying to understand the afterlife, they've created ways of living that have nothing to do with what is most important. There are many who might understand though, I just don't know their names yet...I don't really know about Ghandi or Mother Theresa or other prophets and things like that, Rick Warren could be on the right path though too.
- And to this I wrote but never posted (while driving so not thought out): Not to be oppositional (and I realize this verse may be out of context), but I'll take my chances, if being a friend of the world might by any chance show God's love and light to those who don't know it, I'll take my chances! Although we all have different gifts and callings so perhaps it's best some protect themselves from the world until they know better.
- They say the truth comes out with alcohol...but which truth is THAT? If you get me drunk and ask me what I think about you, you will get an "honest" answer...but "honest" is relative, just like everything. I think you're a tool. Or I think you're hot. Or you annoy the hell out of me...I was an angryish mean drunk. Those things aren't ME though, they're from what I let the world shape me into. If alcohol separates us from ourselves, then there's no way it could be the ACTUAL truth. TRUTH. Relationships end because of things like this...people cheat because of things like this...because they believe someone would always be good even with an altered state...but if someone is so separated from WHO they ACTUALLY are, then of course it will be destructive. You know what is sweet and special? The good people in the world who are good nearly completely through and through and even when they're drunk...and yet they have no idea that who they are is any different than who they are, nor why. Regardless of religion or lack thereof, the good ones are good...and that is beautiful. I was good in my core, but not through and through, I had to find myself and understand EVERYthing to get to that point.
- There is something frightening about knowing everything there is to know or knowing you can know all there is to know about the most important thing in life...what makes me cry and tremble but ultimately find my way back to peace, is being shown all God has shown me...being brought to the edge of the universe and to see and know exactly what it is. It was the most empty and profound feeling and experience. There's always more to learn and understand...but I can't know more than I know right now when it comes to the meaning of it and what IT is. That's what I need to use to help others. To have the mystery taken out of God and life is what nearly made me lose my mind on the night of my birthday...and I wouldn't change a thing. It's like dying in the face of God...the Bible says man can't see God without dying (or something like that..see! I need to learn more!!!), but that's what I think happened to me. For some reason, I made it though and I needed to know what I was revealed...but the scariest thing, is to know we are all one and God is all of us because we are from him...means I am constantly reminded of how close I was, and that I'm always as close as I was.
- Me with my various addictions throughout life have been sort of like a man and unprotected sex with multiple partners who aren't on birth control...
- Cigarettes nearly killed me, gambling threatened my livelihood several times, video games...VIDEO GAMES?! lol so silly, anything that would help me escape me, I could and often would use
- but my health is in tact, i didn't lose everything I owned, I never went to jail...it's like I always seem to "pull out" at just the right time and always seem to get lucky. That's it...timing and luck. So there's a reason...figure that one out. There's something else I am supposed to do besides enjoy this world more! ha ha
- "It was a rough breakup, I'm just trying to get back to who I was before this all happened..." I think but don't say, "Instead of trying to get back to who you WERE, use this as an opportunity to become who you ARE.
- Within you, find the trust of a child with the protection of a lion
- "What are you doing?" "Getting ready. :)" "For what?" "I dunno."
- If you back me into a corner, I will disappear.
- God, you are so much more than I thought you were...and I already thought you were everything. Thank you.
- I always thought there had to be a reason why I had such a unique, very very unique childhood...there is nothing anyone else can relate to, and it doesn't help me relate to anyone. But I know that EVERYTHING has meaning and purpose, so maybe the meaning was just for me.
- A whole album or series of writings about you...but you is me.
- I know that as long as I AM, I am well...and here I am...and always will be. So yes, doing well, thanks and same to you!
- I think a lot of gurus that speak to the masses, either in video, live or book, are pretty much on the right track but I have seen where they fall short and where it can be misleading...we are one, yes. By one, we are one of God...we all came/come from the same source, however our consciousness is not that of God even out of this life body. We always will have our individuality in some for and I think it's important to nurture that in these lives, and learn to become who we are, all which is of God and God given of course! But there are still elements of individuality that it doesn't seem like I'm really hearing from Ram Dass. Also, drugs are great if they enable you to attain a different and more real consciousness and awareness, but they are not the KEY and are certainly not part of the equation. I would consider them a short cut and also I would consider them risky if the conditions are not right...and there's no way to know if the conditions are right without a lot of discussion and knowing the individual who will be taking them.